
Read & Learn al Quran Pak with translation and Download Quran App

Don’t just read Quran, Analyze it.

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Read & Learn Al Quran Pak with translation and Download Quran App

Don’t just read Quran, Analyze it.

AnalyzeQuran Mobile View


Holy Prophet Mohammad ﷺ, in his last sermons stressed on Quran being one of the two things to hold tightly, so we’d not go astray. Yet, we read Quran but we dont study it. Our focus is mostly on how many times we read quran instead of understanding what Quran says. Fortunately, AnalyzeQuran is here to help read Quran online and also help in understanding. If offers al quran with urdu translation, english translation and multiple other lanugage translations. It’s features can help in understanding the message of Quran Majeed.

The idea is to stop to stop treating Quran e pak just as a monument to be saved for our brides to walk underneath, or as a mannequin for our fancy Juzdaans to reside in, and start paying attention to the undiscovered information and knowledge waiting to be interpreted for our own guidance.


“This is a Blessed Book that We have revealed to you so that the wise may ponder over its Verses and seek direction and guidance.” Surah Suad (Verse 29)

AnalyzeQuran Translation Section

Quran Translation

AnalyzeQuran offers multiple translations of Quran Majeed. It has Quran with urdu and english translations and many other languages like Farsi, Turk, Indonesian etc. We have translations from multiple translators, so you can ready the translation of your choice. It can be switched from one language to another by simply going to settings option.

Reading Quran Word by Word

This feature provides a full comprehension of Quran words for reading quran, including their meaning and translation. Arabic is a deep and vast language, many words of the Arabic when translated to other languages are not the natural equivalent of the word. Like, the word بصر and انظر both are translated same as ‘look/see’ by the translators, but both words are not naturally equivalent and have different context in Arabic language. Our technology reveals these intricacies to clearly understand its profound meanings by reading quran word by word. Read quran online or with app through AnalyzeQuran platform and this feature will bridge linguistic gaps and deepen your understanding of Quran.

AnalyzeQuran Reading Quran Word by Word Section
AnalyzeQuran Root words of quran Section

Root words of Quran

Arabic words are mostly created from a common “root” consisting of three consonants to define the underlying meaning of the word. Like, طريق , طريقة, طارق all three words used in Quran are derived from the same root ط ر ق . Exploring these Root words of quran enhances the understanding and helps you explore the topics of quran on a single click.

The app tells you the arabic root of the word when any word is selected from quran sharif and it shows you all quran verses where any selected word has appeared. This option allows to explore root in Quran and it displays all of the terms derived from it as well as the number of times the words appear in the Quran.

Quran Search

Our Search allows finding any word in Quran Pak, by simply writing the word in search bar. For e.g. write ‘Book’ in search and hit enter. This would bring out all the verses where word ‘Book’ is used in translation of Quran Majeed.

Quran Search Section
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The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like (that) grain out of which seven ears shoot forth(And then) each ear bears a hundred grains (i.ethey are rewarded seven hundred times) And Allah multiplies (still more) for whom He likes And Allah is Infinite, All-Knowing.

Surah Baqarah (Verse 261)