The Quran is the holy book of Islam, revered by Muslims as the actual word of God (Allāh) revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel over 23 years, beginning in 610 CE in Mecca and concluding in 632 CE in Medina. The Quran, written in Classical Arabic, represents the most flawless expression of the Arabic language, both linguistically and literarily. It consists of 114 chapters (surahs), each varying in length and covering diverse topics such as theology, morality, personal conduct, and legal principles. Each chapter consists of a unique verse (āyāt) thought to embody timeless truths and wisdom for all humanity.
Quran Reference: "This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah." (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:2)
Muslims believe the Quran has stayed perfectly preserved since its revelation in the 7th century, relying on written records and memorization (Hifz). The Quran (85:22) refers to it as a “well-preserved tablet” (al-lawḥ al-mahfūẓ), indicating its divine origin and eternal nature.
The Quran and the Prophet Muhammad’s sunnah are the primary sources of Islamic doctrines and jurisprudence. Its impact goes beyond religion, influencing Arabic literature, language, and culture. Reciting the Quran is an act of worship, and Muslims often recite its verses during daily prayers (Salah).
Basic Information About the Quran
1. What Is the Meaning of Quran:
“Quran” means recitation in Arabic, derived from the root “qara’a” (قرأ) which means to read or recite.
2. What Is the Month in Which the Quran Was Revealed
The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan (2:185).
3. What Is Juz in Quran
The Quran is divided into 30 parts, known as Juz.
4. What Is Manzil in Quran
A Manzil is a division of the Quran into 7 parts, so the believers can complete it in a week for their benefit and protection.
5. What Is Tajweed Quran
Tajweed stipulates the rules of pronouncing the letter of the Quran with beauty and clarity while reciting, according to the procedures laid down by Islamic scholars.
6. When Was the Quran Written
The Quran was revealed between 610 and 632 CE. Caliph Abu Bakr oversaw its first compilation into book form, and Caliph Uthman later standardized it.
Islamic Rulings and Beliefs
7. What Is the Punishment of Drinking Wines in Quran
- Drinking is prohibited by the Quran. According to Islamic law, drinking is punishable by lashes. The Quran also mentions the spiritual and social damages caused by intoxicants.
- Quran Reference: “O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and divining arrows are an abomination of Satan’s work, so avoid them.” (5:90)
8. What Does the Quran Say About Disbelievers
- It describes the disbeliever as a person who denies the faith and truth; Quran bases the existence of argument on the fact that the guidance comes only from Allah and each individual is liable for their own deeds.
- Quran Reference: “Indeed, those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers, upon them is the curse of Allah.” (2:161)
9. What Is the Most Important Verse in the Quran
- Many scholars agree that Ayatul-Kursi (2:255) is the most eminent verse, mentioning Allah’s sovereignty, knowledge, and power.
- Hadith Reference: “Ayat-ul-Kursi is the greatest verse in the Quran.” (Sahih Muslim 810)
Hafiz and Translators of the Quran
10. Who Is the First Hafiz of Quran
The first person who memorized the whole Quran was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He laid the groundwork for several companions to memorize and transmit it.
11. Who Was the First Woman Hafiz of Quran
Hazrat Hafsa bint Umar (RA) is the suspected first woman Hafiz of the Quran, who protected the written compilation of the Quran.
12. Who Translated Quran in Urdu
Shah Waliullah Dehlawi made the first Urdu translation of the Quran, which his son Shah Abdul Qadir later improved in the 18th century.
13. Who Translated Quran in English First
The first English translation of the Quran was by Alexander Ross in 1649 from a French translation. George Sale, however, offered a direct translation in 1734.
14. Who Translated Quran in Persian
Shah Waliullah Dehlawi was the first translator from Arabic to Persian, so that Persian Muslims could understand the Qur’an better.
15. Who Translated Quran in Sindhi First Time
Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi completed the first Sindhi translation of the Quran in the 18th century, helping Sindhi-speaking people understand its message.
16. Who Considered the Quran as the Creature of Allah
The Mu’tazilite were an Islamic group who believed in the creation of the Qur’an, opposing the mainstream Islamic belief that the Qur’an is eternal and uncreated. According to mainstream Islamic theology, the Qur’an is not a “creature of Allah” but rather the eternal and uncreated speech of Allah.
17. Who Is Kafir According to Quran
A Kafir rejects faith in Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. Quran Reference:“Indeed, those who disbelieve will be in the fire of Hell.” (98:6)
Numbers in the Quran
18. How Many Surah in Quran
The Quran has a total of 114 Surahs (chapters), classified into Makki and Madani types concerning the place of their revelation.
19. How Many Ayat in Quran
The Quran has 6,236 Ayats or verses excluding Bismillah, and 6,349 Ayats when including the Bismillah said at the start of every Surah.
20. How Many Rukus in Quran
The Quran is divided into 558 Rukus (sections) to aid in recitation and comprehension.
21. How Many Sajdah in Quran
The Quran has 14 verses called the Sajdah, which require a believer to prostrate on hearing or reciting them.
22. How to Perform Quran Sajda
The prostration of the Quran involves saying “Allahu Akbar”, prostration, reciting the supplication for the Sajda, rising, and thereby completing this act of reverence. Recite the Sajdah verse, then immediately perform prostration (Sujood) and say Subhana Rabbiyal A’la.
23. How Many Verses in Quran
The Quran consists of 6,236 verses without Bismillah and 6,349 verses including Bismillah at the start of Surahs.
24. How Many Prophets Are Mentioned in Quran
The Quran mentions 25 prophets by name, highlighting their stories of faith, guidance, and divine messages.
25. How Many Madani Surah in Quran
There are 28 Madani Surahs, revealed after the Prophet migrates to Madinah, which mainly address laws and community life.
26. How Many Makki Surah in Quran
There are 86 Makki Surahs, revealed before the Prophet’s migration, which primarily focuses on faith, monotheism, and the afterlife.
27. How Many Pages in Quran
A standard Mushaf of the Quran has 604 pages, with a slight variation in this number according to the font and checking the formatting.
28. How Many Times Zakat Is Mentioned in Quran
The Quran mentions Zakat 32 times, frequently alongside Salah (prayer), as one of the major pillars of Islam.
28. How Many Words in Quran
The Quran has about 77,430 words, which form a special divine message for all humankind.
29. How Many Times Namaz Mentioned in Quran
Salah (Namaz) is mentioned directly 5 times and indirectly over 67 times in different verses.
30. How Many Angels Are Mentioned in the Holy Quran
The Quran mentions seven angels, including Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, and Malak-ul-Maut (Angel of Death).
31. How Many Ghazwa Mentioned in Quran
Several battlefield mentions are Qu’ranically referred to, including Badr, Uhud, Ahzab, Hunayn, and Tabuk. These reflections assess God’s assistance for true followers.
32. How Many Times Hajj Is Mentioned in Quran
The Quran mentions Hajj nine times, highlighting its obligatory nature and significance in a Muslim’s life.
Islamic Rulings
33. Can We Read Quran Without Wudu
Yes, you can recite the Quran from memory without Wudu, but touching the Mushaf (physical Quran) requires purification. (56:79)
34. Can You Read Quran Without Ghusl
If a person is very impure, he needs to take a bath to read the Quran or even touch sayings from it. But it is permitted to listen to the Quran. (Sunan Abu Dawood 229)
35. Can We Read Quran in Periods
According to most scholars, a menstruating woman cannot touch the physical Quran.
36. Can We Listen Quran During Periods
Yes, women can listen to the Quran during their periods without any restrictions.
37. Can We Read Quran on Phone During Periods
Reading the Quran on a phone or tablet is allowed during menstruation, as digital text is not considered a physical Mushaf.
38. Can We Read Quran While Lying Down
Yes, you can recite the Quran while lying down, as long as it is done with respect and concentration. (Sahih Bukhari 5188)
39. Is Dajjal Mentioned in the Quran
The Quran does not mention Dajjal (Antichrist) by name, but Hadith literature describes him as a major sign of the Day of Judgment.
Miscellaneous Questions
40. Which Surah Is Heart of Quran
Surah Yaseen is known as the “Heart of the Quran.” (Sunan Tirmidhi 2887).
41. Which Surah Is Called Aroos Ul Quran
Surah Rahman is known as “Aroos-ul-Quran” (The Bride of the Quran) for its beauty and eloquence.
42. Which Surah of Quran Has Bismillah Twice
Surah An-Naml has Bismillah twice—once at the beginning and again in verse 30 of Prophet Sulaiman’s letter.
43. Which Is the Longest Surah in Quran
Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest, containing 286 verses.
44. Which Is the Shortest Surah in Quran
Surah Al-Kausar is the shortest, consisting of only 3 verses.
45. Which Sahabi Name Is Mentioned in Quran
The only Sahabi who has been mentioned by name in the Quran is Zaid ibn Harithah (33:37).
46. Which Surah in Quran Talks About Hijab
The Surahs that show us the ways of Hthe ijab and dress code are (24:31) and (33:59).
47. Which Was the First Verse of Quran Revealed
The first revealed verse is (96:1)—”Read in the name of your Lord who created.”
48. Which Was the Last Verse of Quran Revealed
The last revealed verse is thought to be that of (2:281): “Fear the Day when you will be returned to Allah.”
49. Which Word Is Mentioned Most Times in the Holy Quran
The word “Allah” appears over 2,600 times in the Quran, making it the most frequently mentioned word.
50. How Can I Learn Quran
You can learn the Quran easily with the Analyze Quran App, which offers Quran translation in Urdu, English, and multiple languages. Our advanced Quran AI feature helps you understand meanings, interpretations, and recitations effortlessly. Download now and start your journey of Quran learning with ease!